Our various range of materials include:

C111QuartzDense, good mechanical and electrical properties
C130Alumina porcelainAlumina Silicate, dense, very good mechanical and electrical properties
C220SteatiteMagnesium Silicate, dense, good mechanical and electrical properties
C221Special SteatiteHigh mechanical strength, high insulating properties, low loss tangent, high electric resistance
C410CordieriteContaining Cordierite and Alumina Silicate, dense, low expansion, high thermal shock resistance
C511/520/530CordieriteContaining Cordierite and Alumina Silicate, porous, low mechanical strength, , low expansion properties, high thermal shock resistance
C610/620MulliteContaining Alumina, dense, high thermal shock resistance, good mechanical properties, high thermal conductivity

The ceramic materials are characterized primarily by below properties:

  • Low or high thermal conductivity
  • High mechanical strength
  • Thermal shock resistance
  • Resistance to chemicals
  • Creep resistance
  • Resistance to high temperatures
  • Resistance to wear
  • Environmentally/ecologically friendly
  • Resistance to corrosion
  • Greatest possible consistency in properties with temperature stress
  • High hardness
WWS Technische Keramik GmbH Welitscher Str. 15a, 96524 Föritztal OT Heinersdorf, +49 3675 4698828 info@wws-keramik.de
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